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Flower essences part 2

I want to write another post about flower essences because I feel like my last one was super general and explanatory and I desire writing from a perspective of a more personal experience. I take Australian Bush Flower Essences (ABFE) mostly, because I know they resonate with me. A definition that I really like is that flower essences contain a vibrational energy that resonates with the individuals vibration. I am not sure if I like the ABFE range because I am from Australia, but I know that I have had profound moments and overall use with them. I have dabbled a little int he Bach Flower Remedies, but there is something about them that doesn't quite do it for me. It sometimes makes me wonder if I am less likely to resonate with flower essences from overseas but I am happy to keep trying if ever they may pop up at the right time for me. In fact I am about to try some from Lotus Wei, containing essences from overseas. My kinesiologist uses a range on me from Europe that I really like the idea of (cannot recall the range name), because they have a really positive spiritual approach. For example, in our last session where we dived into my feeling of not having a comfortable place to call home, an essence was used for creating joy and releasing. Finally, I am currently taking a custom Living Essences mixture containing three essences. This Australian range really calls to me with the detailed descriptions, indications, affirmations and healing details. For me, flower essences have this catalytic ability to bring up thoughts with so much clarity, that enhance my experience with whatever issue I am taking the flower essences for. The thoughts that come up lead to answers and new perspectives. And of course with thoughts come emotions, and sometimes I have had very unexpected emotions come up which act as a release. Some flower essences have allowed me to release through crying, intuitive movement, through talking to myself in the mirror (yeah I know, weirdo but it is so therapeutic for me) and through writing. Some essences, particularly the ABFE, are quite strong and obvious in their effect. Often times I feel and experience a shift, a new perspective, a clarifying thought or just a general feeling quite early on into the typical two weeks of taking the essence. Comparatively, the Living Essences I am taking presently seem to be working in a more subtle way - like a gentle push. They seem to be more suggestive than catalytic I think. Of course this also depends on many factors such as the plant itself - some are more potent in their healing than others, how I am taking the essences and whether I am present with the essence and using adjunct healing tools such as affirmations, meditation or right now I am actually reading a book that touches on an aspect of the general reason I am taking the Living Essences. The essences administered during my kinesiology appointments mentioned above are usually 1 - 4 undiluted drops. I can't say for sure how I feel when I take them - I seem to feel a lot different during these appointments and have a different kind of awareness of my body but perhaps next time I'll take note. So many things happen during these appointments that I only have the combination of all the therapies and treatments to thank for my healing during and following the sessions. Anyway, that's just something I really felt like writing about and hopefully brings a new understanding of flower essences and their magical emotional healing ability.

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